How to learn Python, Best Python Free Courses

How to learn Python, Best Python Free Courses

Hey there, what's Up! I'm Pierre and today we're gonna take a look at the best free Python courses! Many people have asked me what are the best free Python course, so I decided to make this amazing list with the best ones where you'll be able to learn a lot of Python and computer Science stuff! Check It out:

"Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference!"

Claire Fagin
  1. Freecodecamp: a lot of free coding courses, both on their site and on their YouTube channel, there're dozens of awesome courses, you'll find out many many Python courses and tutorials!

  2. OSSU, a mountain of free courses in Computer and Data Science, actually It isn't a course, but a list of them, in this GitHub repo, you'll find a lot of Python content as well as free courses from top universities.

  3. YouTube, yeah, have you ever watched a video game tutorial on Youtube? Even better, have you ever watched a coding tutorial? Well, I believe so, this video site has also fantastic coding tutorials and courses, if you wanna find out great free courses, just search: "[What you want to know] course".

  4. Programiz, an amazing site with amazing programming courses, in this site you'll find out dozens of introductions to programming, exercises, and references! Among them there's an Introduction to Python.

  5. Edx, Incredible site, there're thousands of free high quality courses, top python courses, from top universities where you just pay if you want a certification, but the content is totally free.

  6. Python Official tutorial, Python has a fantastic official tutorial for those who wants to code, It's a fantastic tutorial, this course covers since from "Hello world" to metaclasses! If you wanna learn, check this tutorial out.

  7. GeeksForGeeks, an awesome site with ton of tutorials! Amazing Python tutorials and courses, if you want detailed yet easy Python tutorials and content, this site is for you! You should check It out!

  8. Python Communities, If you wanna learn something, the best way is by teaching other people that! In python this isn't different! You can teach Python through many ways through articles sites and python communities, for example:, hashnode, medium, hackernoon, stackoverflow, and many many more!

That's It, if you like this article, please consider following me for more amazing content! Thank you for read that and I hope to see you next time!